The Children’s Court Guardian Agency for Northern Ireland was renamed in March 2023, with the commencement of the implementation of The Adoption and Children Act (2022), The Children’s Court Guardian Agency for Northern Ireland (Establishment and Constitution) Order (Northern Ireland) 2023 which came into force on the 6th March 2023. This changed the name of the Agency from the Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency (NIGALA) to the Children’s Court Guardian Agency for Northern Ireland and The Guardians Ad Litem are now known as Children’s Court Guardians.
The previous 5-year Corporate Plan was developed in 2017 – 2021 and was extended until 2022, due to the impact of COVID.
The Agency has rebranded alongside the name change and we are pleased to share our new Five Year Strategic Plan 2023-2028. Our new logo reflects the intertwining of the three main strands of the work of the organisation i.e. children and young people, legal and social work. The Agency worked with the design team and involved children and young people to develop the logo and design of our new website which is currently under construction.
The Five Year Strategy outlines our ambition for the Agency. Our overarching theme is Transformation, with key strategic drivers, Improvement, Data and Culture which were developed through engagement with staff. The strategy explains these drivers and the areas of our work to which they will be applied, Children and Young People; Support to Staff; Systems and Influencing.
Children’s Court Guardian Agency – Strategic Plan 2023-2028